Project Description


The majesty of Lower Yellowstone Falls is enhanced by a rainbow in the mist.

I came to Artist Point for sunrise only to find the entire canyon surrounded by fog.  There was no shot to be had so I instead hiked around the area waiting for it to burn off.  This is by no means an original photograph, but it did a lot to set the principles of my photography.  My main goal that morning was to capture a rainbow in the mist of Lower Yellowstone Falls, but I was unsure at what time it would appear.  What I did know was it would not last for very long, and judging from relative angles of the rising sun I figured it would occur sometime in the early morning.  Rather than taking my chances of possibly missing the one shot I came for, I planted my tripod at approximately 8:30 am and waited.  Crowds came and went, strangers asked what I was waiting for, and the world revolved as I stool still.  Finally a full two hours later, I began to see hints of violet at the top of the Falls.  The anticipation grew as the rainbow dropped lower and lower, and when it finally danced in the mist I clicked the shutter.  Patience would be one of the foundations of my process, and I this was the first image that really showed me perseverance is rewarded (sometimes).